For Your Conferment, Please! Esteemed Governor!

The Martian administration looked on with shock as the chaotic battle unfolded on the public square before them. There had been too many surprises this day. First was the sturdy, muscular builds of the Dao Mountain Mist Academy students and their overflowing vitality, then came the simultaneous breakthrough in the cultivation of more than fifty students as they stepped into the Physical Seal stage.

After that was the sudden madness that had taken over the Dao Mountain Mist Academy students after Wang Baole's single command when they were faced with the Fire Spirit Academy's array formation; when they charged towards the Fire Spirit Academy students, it was with a hint of murderous intent!

It was a mere faint whiff, but it immediately caught the attention of the spectating crowd. Nearly all of them had experienced battle and deaths on the battlefield. They were extremely attuned towards such intentions of murder.