Holy Condor?

Li Wan'er gave Wang Baole a deep, meaningful look when she heard what he said. Then, she turned and left the cave. The back of her figure was well-curved and beautiful, and the aura exuding from her person was frosty like a glacier. Her eyes spoke a warning for others to stay far, far away from her. Wang Baole turned sullen.

I did save her life, after all. In any case, both of us took advantage of each other last night. I was taken advantage of too! How dare she threaten me! Wang Baole simmered with rage and injustice. After some thought, he decided there was no need for him to reveal his honest thoughts. This was a strategic move, a pretense of weakness, a ploy to trick the enemy—it wasn't actual weakness or cowardice on his part.

The thought bolstered his confidence, and he walked out of the cave with his hands behind his back.