A Great Grudge!

The boy was fast, but the speed that the donkey was capable of when it was snatching food was equally fast. Especially when it sensed that its food was rushing past it and towards its master, it panicked uncontrollably then.

It sincerely thought that the greatest enemy in its life was the guy behind it. He kept stopping it from filling its stomach. He even fought it for food.

What the donkey found unacceptable was how the food flew past it and ignored it entirely, heading straight into the arms of its master. It was unwilling to admit defeat. It turned suddenly and with a sudden bite, crunched down hard!

The bite… was unexpected and sudden. Wang Baole hadn't expected it. Even the invisible, cold and arrogant looking blood-colored boy hadn't expected it. It was something he would never have dreamed would happen. The silly-looking donkey that had been munching on grass all along had bitten him.