The First Beast Tide

"What's going on? Is that fatty… Wang Baole?"

"Is this what a legendary hero looks like? He must be it. There's no other way to explain why he's alone while others have a ten-thousand man setup!"

"And that donkey. I remember a legend that begins with a donkey…"

Every viewer in the Federation was shocked. The difference in resources in this trial was simply too striking. Compared to the bustling zones crowded with countless people, Wang Baole had only himself and a donkey. He immediately caught everyone's attention. Commotion spread across every city.

Many from the four Dao Colleges were also following the live stream. They were all stunned when they saw the scene. Those from the White Deer Dao College immediately showed their disdain. A few even started to joke mockingly.

"Pandering to the masses! He doesn't know his own limits!"