The Virtues of Lin You

The news that Wang Baole was given the right to choose his vice mayors spread. The various political forces had also guessed the important role Wang Baole was going to play in the process, and their guesses were confirmed after some checking with their sources on Mars.

Two names from the four Dao Colleges and the military had been confirmed, which left the political forces with two remaining openings to fight over. The competition became intense.

It was then that Jin Duoming came looking for him. Wang Baole thought Jin Duoming would use the agreement between the both of them to get himself a vice mayor's position in the new city zone. However, the strange thing was, Jin Duoming didn't mention a single word of their initial agreement.

"Brother Baole, I'm here on behalf of my father. We, the Trilunaris Corporation, are willing to sponsor the resources Mayor Wang requires for the construction of the new city!