Points Added and Points Deducted!

Just as Wang Baole and the group were about to make their escape, a howl that seemed to come from the depths of the catacombs rang out suddenly. It erupted without any warning from the deep end of the catacombs.

It thundered and deafened, shaking everyone to their core. Blood spilled from everyone's lips, and Wang Baole shuddered violently as the three Dark Fires inside his body wavered and became unstable. They almost extinguished.

As he lowered his head, he thought he could vaguely see a warped, translucent giant hand reaching out from the depths of the catacombs. It seemed to stretch endlessly towards where Wang Baole was, reaching out for him!

"Dark Child…" The voice howled. Its howl thundered and rang in the catacombs and drained all color from Wang Baole's terrified face. He shouted back angrily.