The Wind Blows!

The thought that one day, after he successfully refined a Dharmic Armament, that every single person—man or woman—would have to address him as 'Grandmaster', made Wang Baole extremely agitated, as well as troubled.

Would they call me Grandmaster Wang, Grandmaster Bao, or Grandmaster Le?

No matter how Wang Baole thought about it, he still felt that the word 'Grand' made the title awful. He had the intention that after he refined a Dharmic Armament, he would take the initiative to make others, such as Liu Daobin and company, first address him as Master Wang. That way, the others would follow suit as well.

Master Wang! Wang Baole was satisfied with this title. After he fantasized about it for a moment, he felt energized and began the process of researching Dharmic Armaments by playing it out in his mind.