Forceful Till the End!

Time flew by. Soon, three days passed!

The city wall sealing the three autonomous zones had been fully constructed the day before. Under Lin Tianhao's supervision, the height of the wall had been increased compared to what had been previously planned. From afar, it looked like a real mountain range, and its height surpassed the tallest building within the three autonomous zones. It was clear that the scale of its construction was considerable.

The new city had no lack of resources and human labor. Regardless of how much thicker or taller the walls were to be made, it could be accomplished within a short period of time. After the construction had been completed, Lin Tianhao hadn't considered at all how Chen Mu and his people must be feeling inside their city zones. However, he guessed they must be feeling intense pressure looking at the three-hundred-odd meters tall giant wall.

In fact, that was indeed the case…