To Overpower with Lightning!

Three days later, Wang Baole had readied himself. With the construction puppets and with adequate resources, he created ten thousand disc-shaped Dharmic Artifacts!

These special Dharmic Artifacts were linked to the central, smaller Great Baole Array Formation. Their purpose was singular. They were meant to counter the Dark Qi and absorb all Dark Qi from all practitioners of the Art of Longevity!

They also possessed a search function that allowed them to sense people with Dark Qi in them within a certain radius of the artifact. For those who had been practicing the art for a long time, they might face the risk of exhaustion and injury after Dark Qi was absorbed from their bodies. However, this would only happen to those who had reached a high level of the Art of Longevity. Else, there shouldn't be too much damage. He or she would only feel weakened temporarily.