A Fierce Battle!

Wang Baole came to an immediate decision as soon as the three cultivators appeared. Both their strange armor and their red eyes indicated that they weren't cultivators from the Federation!

That made it clear who they were.

The culprits behind the Mercury tragedy, cultivators from an extraterrestrial civilization! Wang Baole, who had been reeling back from shock, unexpectedly calmed down after realizing their identities and the danger he was in. This was, without a doubt, the most dangerous situation he had ever found himself in.

Any slightest misstep could result in the destruction of his body and spirit. Fortunately, the three seemed to want him caught alive. They might have bespelled and held his body frozen, but they didn't ensnare his consciousness. Perhaps they were too confident of themselves, or perhaps there was some other reason. Regardless, even though Wang Baole couldn't move at all presently, his mind was still conscious and alert.