The Three Intractable Souls

Wang Baole himself didn't know how he had managed to pull those three souls out. Perhaps some powers that be had led his Soul Guiding Hand to plunge itself into the pool and pull them out naturally.

"Every Dark Child's fate is entwined with the Artifact Spirits in their Dark Artifacts. It seems like the three souls in this Soul Pool are going to belong to you." Ming Kunzi smiled faintly as he watched Wang Baole unleash the Soul Guidance technique and pull out three souls from the Soul Pool.

"But they are all black souls. It means that they've sinned gravely in their past lives. They cannot yet enter the cycle of rebirth. You have to purify them. Since your fate is linked with theirs, you have the responsibility to cleanse them of their sins and their grudges. You have to make them willing to follow you and become your Artifact Spirits!"