A Medial-Grade Divine Armament!

After getting hold of the lantern oar and wearing the black robe, Wang Baole shut his eyes as he stood in this underground world. Thunder seemed to be crashing inside his mind as an image gradually formed in his head.

He saw an enormous boat. It was buried deep underground and was hundreds of yards long and completely black in color. Almost the entire boat was severely damaged and lined with huge cracks.

Dark Qi seeped out continuously from the cracks, fusing with the earth and affecting the greater underground area. The entire vast region seemed to transform into Dark Earth.

There was something illogical and unreasonable about the sight. Logically speaking, a boat with almost ninety percent of it damaged would have collapsed a long time ago. However, the boat in his mind seemed to be held together with a strange and extraordinary power. Despite the vast extent of damage, it continued to retain the shape and structure of a boat!