Huge Returns!

As Wang Baole spoke, the Dark River beneath the Lone Boat expanded, leading down from the sky towards where the burly man was sealed. Instantly, he passed the protective covering using his Lone Boat, quickly approaching the burly man!

Before that, the burly man with the centipede looked anxious, his pupils constricting as he seemed to be attempting to retreat. However, just as the Dark River passed through the protective covering, and as Wang Baole arrived on the lone boat, the ferocity in the burly man's eyes intensified, and he roared loudly.

"To hell with the journey!" As he screamed, he waved his hands. Immediately, in a thousand-foot-wide diameter around him, flying swords emerged from underground, forming a sword fleet!

That wasn't all. Bright rays of light emerged from the ground in the center of the sword feet, interweaving with each other and transmogrifying into an array diagram. The force of an array formation was unleashed right at this moment.