Going Home

Even though Wang Baole didn't know the other man's exact rank and office, he had been working in the Federation administration for such a long time. He was long used to the social etiquette required of him at such events. After stepping off the cruiser, he first stood and returned a bow to those who had greeted him. Then, he cupped his fists and saluted the middle-aged man with a smile on his face.

The leading middle-aged man saw his reciprocal bow and smiled lightly. He had heard Wang Baole's name many times. Now that he was finally meeting him, he could tell from this small detail that Wang Baole was someone who knew how to conduct himself and play the crowd.

He liked such people. Even though they were more complicated, they suited the current Federation climate. As a smile surfaced on Wang Baole's face, he too laughed aloud. He took a few quick steps forward and approached Wang Baole. Wang Baole got to know who he was after a brief cordial exchange.