Advance Without Retreat!

Wang Baole would have glared if someone else had said that. He hated it when anyone called him fat and felt that he needed to correct the person's aesthetics by punching this person who had no idea what he or she was talking about.

After all, he was the slimmest and most handsome person in the entire Federation!

But… if the person saying this was an old man who was both strong-boned and had an ethereal air to him, who had a sharp intelligent glint in his eyes while giving off an impression of having a rather bad temper, then Wang Baole felt that it wouldn't be that embarrassing if he played the coward once in a while.

After all, no matter how great the old man was at pretending to be peaceful, Wang Baole could still distinctly sense the fearsome temper hidden deep inside him and the scorching heat he was exuding.