
Wang Baole was somewhat in a daze as he looked incredulously at the giant heart before him. Even though there was no other object for comparison in this space, Wang Baole's sense was that this heart was the size of half of Earth.

With such a shockingly large organ in front of him, Wang Baole was full of disbelief, and could distinctly feel that it was his own devouring seed… More accurately, there was a similar aura coming from the heart, as with the devouring seed!

Where on earth am I? Am I hallucinating? There are so many worlds, and they have everything that I can possibly imagine! Wang Baole was in a blur for a long time, and he realized that other than the heart, there was nothing else in this world. After searching for a long time and confirming that there was no sixth world, he began to circle around the fifth world in order to find a way out.