Little Duanmu, Your Package Is on Its Way

Wang Baole's heart began to race rapidly. He thought about how the Vast Expanse Dao Palace was amassing identity tokens. There must be some reason for that. He had intended to ask Little Missy about it when she woke up. Now that he was reminded of it again, he hastily inquired.

"The identity token represents one's access rights. Many places are only accessible to disciples with the relevant access rights. I'll help you look around if there's a chance and see if we can locate the records belonging to the true Vast Expanse Dao Palace. You'll be able to learn how to make use of those access rights after listing your name in the records. You can even make use of other people's identity tokens and borrow their access rights. The three inner sect disciples must have the same intentions. Of course, your name must first be in the records for this to work," Little Missy said casually as if he had just disturbed her for an extremely trivial matter.