A Flame-Snatching Demonic Armor!

He hadn't looked closely at the arm earlier since he had been angry at the donkey for eating the flesh of a corpse. Now, he instantly noticed that the remaining half of the arm wasn't made of flesh and blood!

It was formed… from a kind of crystal!

Wang Baole was stunned by his discovery. He let go of the donkey, then bent down and examined the arm in detail. He found out that out of the three heads and six arms belonging to this dead Never-Ending Clan member, only this arm was made of crystal. The rest were flesh and blood.

Wang Baole grew slightly suspicious and confused. He pulled out the corpse that he had gotten inside the golden beetle out from his storage bracelet and compared the two. All three heads and six arms of the corpse in the beetle were made of flesh and blood. He recalled that those that he had seen before had all been flesh and blood. Only this particular corpse that the donkey had been munching on was different from the rest.