Each Making Their Own Preparations!

Even though she managed to resolve Mie Liezi's proposal, Feng Qiuran was still troubled. In reality, even if everything went according to her proposal, it was still extremely disadvantageous to her.

However, she had no other choice. If Mie Liezi's proposal were adopted, there would basically be no way out. Therefore, her current proposal of having six hundred people battle it out was the best that she could think of within the short period of time.

As such, thoughts continuously ran through her mind as she tried to analyze the advantages and disadvantages. She was also thinking about whether there were better ways to influence this matter to a state that would be beneficial for her.

However, it was clear that Mie Liezi wouldn't give Feng Qiuran the time to ponder over it. As he snorted, he diverted the topic away from the Hyacinthus Tree leaves, and dived into the second matter to be discussed!