The Five Great Personal Disciples!

The donkey trembled as it stared at Wang Baole. It was an instinctive, primal fear. Its "daddy" who stood before it was a complete stranger. The presence he exuded was akin to a sea of blood, and a single word from the approaching Wang Baole struck terror in the donkey's heart. It shuddered, then sprawled onto the ground limply, afraid to move even an inch.

Wang Baole fell silent at the sight. He was unsure how many Inferno Rats he had massacred in the past few days before he had reached the first tier in the Flame Snatch Thearch Armor inheritance. He had accumulated a startling quantity of nourishment for his armor. He had also gained a deeper understanding of this Flame Snatch Thearch Armor inheritance that had been partly self-invented and partly inherited.