This is... the Legendary Thearch Armor Inheritance!

Initially, no one on the public square in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace would have willingly paid attention to Wang Baole and his team. The most they would do might be to spare a passing glance as their eyes browsed past other projections.

That was why even though the spectators could see the aerial map as well, not many noticed when their three keys turned to six. Only the group of Federation Seedlings that had gathered at the periphery of the public square had their eyes fixed constantly on the images showing Wang Baole's team.

They had seen with their own eyes when Wang Baole had charged out, how he had struck instantly, broken the legs of three disciples from the Vast Expanse Dao Palace and doubled their number of keys. They had been invigorated by the scene, but they hadn't made a loud fuss. Even Li Yi had been silent. They had already realized the key to this trial from Wang Baole's team.