Opening the Seal!

The tide had turned!

At this moment, both the surrounding spectators and the Dao Palace cultivators outside were watching with their mouths agape. The battle between Wang Baole and Dugu Lin was full of twists and turns. Initially, it was clear that Dugu Lin was in the lead, and was pressuring Wang Baole strongly.

However, to the outer world cultivators, they knew about Wang Baole's blood-colored meridian armor which he used to suppress Zhou Chudao. As they watched, they realized that Wang Baole didn't unleash it even in the face of crisis. Some of them even thought that perhaps there were disadvantages to that move of Wang Baole's, which was why he didn't unleash it. As Dugu Lin unleashed the five-colored petals that caused Wang Baole's blood and bones to be destroyed, Wang Baole was about to be defeated!

However, all the changes that happened after that shocked everyone. For some unknown reason, the black-colored petal switched alliances!