The Top Person!

After grabbing hold of the key, Wang Baole didn't speak a word. Instead, he stood on the rock beside Dugu Lin and raised his head to look at the night sky, where ripple-like waves were spreading in all directions. That caused the night sky map to be blurred and slightly warped. That wasn't the first time something similar had happened in the night sky. It had happened once twelve hours ago, and that was… a sign that the teleportation was about to occur.

"This is the end." Wang Baole spoke softly while retracting his gaze from the night sky and lowering his head to calmly look at Dugu Lin, who was lying there. Wang Baole shook his head as he looked at his opponent, who had blood flowing out of his body and who was struggling to even stand up. Wang Baole shook his head, and based simply on his life experiences and not the teachings of the high officials' autobiographies, he naturally extended his hand to Dugu Lin.