Eighth-Grade Dharmic Armament Cultivator!

Previously, Wang Baole could already refine a one-use eighth-grade Dharmic Armament, and he had also occasionally succeeded in refining eighth-grade Dharmic Armaments that could be used several times.

The greatest obstacle preventing Wang Baole from refining a true eight-grade Dharmic Armament was his lack of Spiritual Sense. Even though it was boosted slightly by the shriveled fruit that he possessed, the growth of his Spiritual Sense was still slow and was only a little better than no growth. However, it was different now. Having achieved a breakthrough at the trial grounds, which allowed him to advance from mid- to late-stage Core Formation realm, and even approach the peak, he was now just a step away from perfection!

Because of the increase in his cultivation, Wang Baole's Spiritual Sense was significantly advanced. That made it easier for him to refine the artifacts compared to the past.