Return and Breakthrough

Chen Qing's voice wasn't overbearing or authoritative. Regardless, the entire world fell silent as soon as his words rang out… The Star Fang Beast King trembled. Incredulity and shock—rare emotions for a creature as powerful as it was—flickered in its eyes. It seemed to have lost the power of speech.

The remaining Star Fang Beasts fared no better. Chen Qing's casual words formed an overpowering force that weighed down on all living creatures. The ability to think fled the creatures.

It was the same for Wang Baole. His mind seemed to be suffering from a relentless assault of deafening thunder. He might have lived through a Dark Dream, and his master in the dream might have cautioned him about Chen Qing. He might even have wondered about the true relationship between himself and his senior brother, Chen Qing.