Fusing the Arm!

Wang Baole's pupils contracted. His eyes saw only the broken arm.

There was a strong Divine Armament's aura exuding from the broken limb that threatened to rise to the heavens. The giant tree shook as he carried the broken arm. A howl like that of a furious beast erupted from the tomb behind him as he fled. Massive clouds of green mist were discharged into the air as the howl rang out.

The green mist transformed into a large hand that went after the giant tree. It seemed intent to drag the giant tree back into the tomb and keep him there with it forever!

The giant tree despaired as danger loomed over him. He could feel an incredible suction pulling at him. The threat of death blared in his head ceaselessly, like sirens. His only hope rested in Wang Baole. He could only hope that Wang Baole wouldn't leave him to die and that the latter wouldn't demand that he throw the broken arm over to him.