First Appearance!

Li Wuchen was dazed by Wang Baole's words. His eyes widened as he stared at Wang Baole in confusion, then looked at Zhou Mei. He realized that Zhou Mei was still imprisoned by a seal, so she had no way of replying to him.

Li Wuchen didn't recover from his shock for quite some time. Wang Baole stared at Li Wuchen's stunned look calmly and casually said, "I had this friend. He was a terrible person who committed an act of disloyalty to his partner. The next day, he died."

Li Wuchen gulped as soon as Wang Baole said that. It wasn't that he wasn't agreeable to the proposal, his earlier agitated reactions should have proven that, but everything had happened too quickly. He hadn't yet recovered from his shock and confusion. Now that things had unfolded in this manner, Li Wuchen wasn't going to hesitate any longer. He cupped his fists and bowed deeply towards Wang Baole.

"Yes, your humble disciple does!"