A Millstone That Grinds Flesh and Blood!

I've searched in that direction before! The Star Fang Beast steadily approached, sending the surrounding temperatures spiking upwards. It looked like an enormous burning fireball from afar, ready to turn everything in its path to ash.

Wang Baole was forced to retreat as the gears in his head spun furiously. He knew that he had gone in the direction the beast had come from earlier and had traveled quite far in that direction. However, he hadn't discovered anything then. This meant that either he really hadn't gone far enough… or that the sacrificial altar couldn't be found in the conventional manner—by simply pursuing a single direction!

If it were the former, Wang Baole could make another attempt. If it were the latter though, he wouldn't be able to risk everything he had on it. There was really only one way of him locating the sacrificial altar if it were the latter!