Sealed In!

Wang Baole's pupils contracted as he stared unblinkingly at the firebird. He readied himself to take action at a moment's notice, body crouched forward like a cheetah ready to take the leap!

A cheetah with a slightly bulging tummy, perhaps… but that didn't hinder Wang Baole's movements in the slightest. The slightly chubby tummy might even be a sign of greater flexibility.

Wang Baole focused his concentration and prepared himself. The firebird flew around the millstone, in the opposite direction that it was turning, and smashed into it. A thunderous boom rang out, rippling outwards. The firebird unleashed its full strength with its attack, then disintegrated into dust. The millstone wasn't damaged. It did, however, stop for a moment when the firebird collided with it!

The millstone stopped turning for a second, its nine handles jerking violently. In the distance, nine towering beasts in nine different directions let loose furious roars.