In Murderous Pursuit!

Wang Baole's staggering form continued running inside the region of the sword body, disregarding his increasingly serious injuries. He ran without rest, using everything he had in him.

Before he had started though, he left a puppet at the place he had teleported to. Then, without turning back, he raced away.

Fortunately, after some time racing in the sword body, he finally found himself in a familiar area. He was able to identify where he was.

I'm not anywhere near the sword handle… Pale-faced, Wang Baole's spirits sank, and his heart grew heavy as he realized where he was.

He knew he only had two options. He could follow the original plan of traveling to the sword handle and returning to the Vast Expanse Dao Palace, where he could then use the teleportation array formation to leave the ancient sword and return to the Federation. Or, he could venture deeper into the sword body!