The Relentless Wang Baole!

As Wang Baole stared at the ice that had suddenly melted, at the enormous palace that had unexpectedly revealed itself before him, and at the beam of red light rising into the sky, his breathing stopped momentarily. His hair ruffled as waves of spirit energy rippled from the towering beam of light. He stumbled back from the force of the spirit energy.

The land around him began to shake. It was as if a ferocious beast that had been in deep slumber for eons had just suddenly opened its eyes. The incredible power that emanated from it upon its awakening shook the world!

It might not be appropriate comparing Wang Baole to an ant next to the palace, but he was still incredibly small in comparison. The size of the palace and the aura it exuded gave one an impression of something unimaginably majestic and vast.