Present As Long As The Star Is!

Wang Baole scratched his head, then looked around. Despite how hard he had pleaded, there was still no reply from his senior brother, who clearly enjoyed spying on him. He couldn't help but wonder if the senior brother he had the fortune to stumble upon had left…

No way. Is he really gone? Wang Baole blinked. He tried shouting for his senior brother a few more times and received no reply. He sighed. His senior brother was likely gone. Even if he was still around, it wasn't likely that he was going to make an appearance before Wang Baole.

"So be it. I, Wang Baole, have always relied on my own abilities. It must be my fate. I'm not destined to take shortcuts and rely on others," Wang Baole muttered and tried to console himself. He ignored the soft snort that Little Missy made when she heard that.