Don't You Hate Her?

The soul's murmurs were gentle and brimming with love. There was no hint of confusion or doubt despite the question it was asking. It was as if the Night Immortal King wasn't confused about why his wife Zi Yue had done something so terrible to him. It was as if he was voicing regret over a relationship's end because of what had happened. His murmurs were like a pair of invisible hands, weighed down by regret and loss as they tried to caress an absent wife's face gently and smoothen her hair against her cheeks.

Even after suffering an injury that an ordinary person would have found unimaginable, he seemed to still only harbor thoughts of longing for his wife…

Wang Baole couldn't understand the Night Immortal King. However, he vaguely remembered something he had read when he had still been a young boy. What came next, after a love so deep?