A Past Lover!

Wang Baole sighed a breath of relief when Night Immortal King Chen Mofeng attacked. He had spent all his lotus seeds in order to awaken the Night Immortal King's true soul. That was why… Chen Mofeng's hesitation had Wang Baole worried and anxious…

Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. He had his own assessment of Chen Mofeng's true level of cultivation. Wang Baole sensed that the power contained within Chen Mofeng's illusory finger had surpassed that of a Soul Conduit realm cultivator. In fact, it might even have surpassed that of a Spirit Immortal realm cultivator. He still wasn't as powerful as Wang Baole's senior brother, but the power Wang Baole had felt was similar to the power he had felt during his ascension to the Stellar Nascent Soul realm. It had almost reached the level of a Planet realm cultivator!

Perhaps this was indeed… the power displayed by a Planet realm cultivator!