
The universe shuddered as waves of spirit energy surged out from Pluto and spread across the entire Solar System!

At that very moment, it had become the center of the Solar System. Even the sun's light seemed to dim considerably as the waves of spirit energy surged from Pluto. The lands of Pluto shuddered, as if on the verge of collapse. Cracks appeared on the ground, spreading and splintering further like a growing spider web. Within the blink of an eye… these cracks covered the entire surface of Pluto.

Black mist erupted from these cracks and blanketed the entire planet. Pluto became invisible to the naked eye. Instead, what one saw… was an enormous ball of mist!

The mist boiled and rumbled, its form transforming rapidly from a sphere to something longer. When the transformation finally ended… what appeared in space was a gigantic coffin!