Long Nanzi!

No one knew how long Chen Qing's battle would last. It might end quickly, or it might drag on for much longer. For cultivators in that league, time itself… was a weapon.

Wang Baole wasn't entirely sure what had happened, but he could make his own educated guesses. As he emerged above ground and stared at the world around him, realization dawned upon him. He was possibly going to spend quite some time alone in a foreign civilization.

That was why what he needed to do now was find out what he could about the civilization he was in. He formed a series of hand seals and summoned the souls of the four recently dead corpses with his Dark Art. Four incomplete souls gathered before him in wisps and finally transformed into four spirits invisible to the eyes of others.

Without any hesitation, Wang Baole raised his right hand and clawed through the air. The four souls raced towards him and entered his palm. Their past memories flooded Wang Baole's mind.