Rise, Phoenix!

Although Wang Baole didn't completely know what Zhuo Yixian was thinking, he knew some parts of it. Combining that with his understanding of Zhuo Yixian, he made an estimated judgment in his heart.

He narrowed his eyes, pondered, and said, "I'm not selling!"

His voice floated out of his cave abode and landed in the ears of the three people and one donkey outside. The donkey's ears twitched, and a glint flashed between Little Wu's eyes. Only Zhuo Yixian and the female cultivator had changes in their expressions.

The former was nervous, while unhappiness appeared in the latter's eyes. Staring at the cave abode's gate with furrowed brows, her voice turned icy.

"Fellow Daoist Long Nanzi, I really do like your pet. Please sell it to me. I will give you one Icy Heart Fruit in exchange!"