Soul Rift Legion, Wins!

"Seal my spirit-killing power?" Wang Baole furrowed his eyebrows slightly. Although he had already predicted this scene, he still felt a tinge of pity when it actually appeared.

But this was within reason. After all, the Divine Justice Shield had already been handed over. With the Green Kraken Legion's status, it wasn't impossible for them to obtain it and develop a way to seal it in a short period of time.

However… they only sealed the spirit-killing power form by the stacking method. Wang Baole sneered in his heart. The new version of the Divine Justice Shield he refined using the disassembly parasitism method that Little Wu gave him was unaffected by the sealing. That would be his trump card!

So at that moment, while he had a nasty look on the surface, in reality, he was extremely calm as he raised his head to stare coldly at the rift in the cosmos and the green battleships flying out one after another from within it.