The Exchange of Life Essences!

Exchange Life Essences? Wang Baole was stunned. He felt that the statement was a little weird. He secretly thought that the exchange of life essences was extremely dangerous. Moreover, essences involved the core of one's soul and couldn't be easily traded away…

Thinking to that point, Wang Baole was a little cautious and was about to control his Dharmic Battleship to leave. But just as he was about to leave, a wisp of aura similar to that of the stone golem patriarch suddenly spread forth from within the star system. Not waiting for Wang Baole's expression to change, the second and third wisp of Planet realm auras congruent to that of the Sovereign Patriarch also spread forth.

Like a sun paired with two moons, they engulfed the entire star system. Luckily, the three mighty figures' auras were gentle, and their suppressive forces were restrained. However… they still shook Wang Baole's soul.