Suitable for Plundering!

Even his thoughts were like this. The new avatar's thoughts and actions were all controlled by Wang Baole. At that moment, he controlled the new avatar to transmogrify a pig mask and head into the distance with a flick of its body. Meanwhile, his essence body also sped in the direction of the army camp as it weaved hand seals and transmogrified a new arm.

At the same time, Wang Baole split his attention in order to control the avatar transmogrified from his arm, having it repeatedly appear in the outside world. Because this avatar was different from his previous Divine Sense, it couldn't be maintained for long. But if he chose to burn it, it could still maintain an extraordinary combat strength. Therefore, the fighting and escaping after meeting the Never-Ending Clan was very realistic as well. Hence, the avatar was naturally locked onto by that Spirit Immortal as he sped towards it at his maximum speed.