Battling a Spirit Immortal Realm Cultivator!

Horror filled the elder's eyes as the blood-red flower printed itself over his face. He couldn't stop his screams of terror and pain from piercing the air. Red mist started to rise from the imprint on his face, then more red mist began to stream out from his right hand.

It was a bizarre sight to behold. The two streams of mist flowed towards each other and formed a hideous-looking red dragon. It wasn't huge, was three-legged, and had one horn. Its form and the scales on its body were clearly defined. The blood-red dragon opened its jaws and transformed into a red sword that went swinging straight at the Never-Ending Clan elder's forehead.

It didn't matter what kind of barriers or protection the elder had in place, it circumvented them all. Every defense that the elder had fell apart with the red dragon around. The curse weakened his cultivation, which allowed it to unleash its full power without obstruction!