Black Earth Star Refinement Art!

"First, the self-destructing battleships…" Wang Baole muttered as he sat in his Dharmic Battleship. After setting the course the Dharmic Battleship was to take, he rubbed at his forehead. Ideas began to fill his head.

It was going to take them some time to get back to the Divine Eye Star System. Looking at how long they had taken to travel out, they needed at least three months for the return journey. This was the best time for him to rebuild his arsenal.

Building self-destructing battleships will be easy. Besides, I still have plenty of puppets to order around. The important thing is maximizing the power released from each self-destructive explosion, but that's not difficult to deal with either. If I use materials of a better grade to build these battleships, the power that they'll release when they self-destruct will naturally increase.