Royal Cemetery!

The price of 3000 Red Crystals was an astonishing price for Wang Baole, both now and in the past. In fact, if he threw that number of Red Crystals out, it would be extremely easy to make Spirit Immortal cultivators go crazy too.

Even Planet realm cultivators would be moved by that. That was why Wang Baole rejected Xie Haiyang previously. He thought that Xie Haiyang was extorting him, but compared to the small fortune of 3000 Red Crystals, Wang Baole felt that it would all be worth it if he could really use the opportunity to become a Spirit Immortal!

Once I become a Spirit Immortal, I'll be able to put up a fight against Gu Mo if I use the mask's curse as well… Although it's pretty clear who'll win, it'll still be enough for me to hold my own! Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. He pondered in his heart while waiting for Xie Haiyang's reply.

After fifteen minutes, Xie Haiyang's surprised voice sounded from within the voice transmission jade slip.