
This was a world that seemed no different than the world outside. The sky was blue, and the land was a series of vast plains. The grass and the trees were lush and green, and in the distance lay mountains that stretched majestically across the horizon. The air was even filled with rich Spirit Qi.

It didn't resemble an imperial cemetery at all. The light breeze in the air brought along with it the twittering of birds and a floral fragrance. Cranes could be seen flying across the skies occasionally, and beautiful fairies could be seen seated on some of the cranes. They looked down from their perches and stared at Wang Baole curiously.

If it had been some other cultivator who had come across such a scene, they wouldn't have been able to sense anything wrong even if their cultivation surpassed Wang Baole's and had reached the Planet realm. But Wang Baole was a unique case. A ghostly light flickered in his eyes as he narrowed them.