Peace for Sale!

While some of his anger had dissipated, Wang Baole was still very upset about Xie Haiyang's three-way deal. He knew that businessmen only cared about maximizing their profits. Nevertheless, he still felt hurt.

"Brother Haiyang, I treated you like a friend, but you sold me out…" Wang Baole said softly, his words honest and tinged with slight sorrow. Xie Haiyang fell silent when he heard them. After a long moment, he smiled wryly.

"Brother Baole, you're right. I've gone too far… this time. I owe you one."

"Forget it. You mentioned that you'll be giving me some materials. I'm not going to accept them. How about this… I'm in a slight fix now. Maybe you can help me with that." Wang Baole coughed. In his view, he wasn't a petty-minded person. Since Xie Haiyang was truly sorry, it wouldn't be appropriate for him to keep harping on what had passed. Instead, he decided to mention the problem he was having casually.