Spirit Boat!

Xie Haiyang might be the proud owner of many secrets, but even he had no idea that he had just allowed the chance to get the best help he could slip him by. If he had shared everything with Wang Baole when the latter had asked and had said plainly that he would pay anything for Wang Baole's help… there was a great chance that Wang Baole might be tempted by the deal. After all, he wasn't afraid of letting Xie Haiyang know his relationship with his senior brother. Xie Haiyang was the one in need now and the one who was intimidated by his senior brother.

There was a great chance that Wang Baole would have extended a helping hand at the appropriate moment.

Besides, Wang Baole's help wasn't going to cost him a lot. Because… Wang Baole wouldn't be able to quote too high a price based on his past experiences with Red Crystals. The highest he would go would likely only be a few million Red Crystals.

Of course… this was before Wang Baole entered the market!