Xie Family, Xie Dalu!

"This little bastard must be crazy, he actually tried to activate my storage ring again after such a short while. Fellow Daoist Dan Zhouzi, can we quicken the pace?"

"No problem!" Dan Zhouzi laughed, and his expression was filled with anticipation. He controlled the golden beetle with all his might and caused its speed to multiply instantly as it headed straight for the coordinate Shan Lingzi sensed the second time!

The reason Shan Lingzi could sense the storage ring's aura the second time couldn't be blamed on Wang Baole… He already had the urge to throw away the storage ring previously and would definitely not check it again.

According to his original plans, he wanted to check the storage ring again after he reached the Planet realm. But what made him feel like crying was that the storage ring activated on its own yet again!