
"The Fallen Star Boat!" Daoist Lin Hai had been meditating in the Heavenly Spirit Sect's camp when he suddenly opened his eyes. He stared at the spirit boat, then vanished suddenly. When he reappeared again, he was standing next to the Dao Disciple of his civilization, Xing Ling.

Xing Ling had been meditating as well, but his current status and level of cultivation weren't sufficiently high enough for him to hear the summoning call of the spirit boat. He had been prepared for it, though. Unconcealed glee appeared in his eyes when he saw the cultivator standing before him.


"This is your chance!" Daoist Lin Hai said coolly. With a flip of his sleeve, he took Xing Ling away. Alongside went the patriarch of the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect. There was a look of peace on his face. He didn't show any signs of struggle.