Chapter 952 honored guest?

Most of the time, the word ‘merely’represented the reversal of heaven and earth. This was the case for Xie Haiyang. His eyes suddenly lit up.

“Senior, please speak!”

“Little Xie, I really can’t help you with this matter. However, I have a disciple. I know that he has a good relationship with Chen Qingzi. If you can persuade him... I think he only needs to say a few words to help you solve all your problems.”

When Xie Haiyang heard the patriarch’s words, his body trembled, and his breathing quickened. His previously calm state, which he had been trying to calm down, collapsed in an instant. He grabbed the jade slip, he spoke quickly, almost as if he had lost his composure.

“Senior, please help me introduce this esteemed fellow Daoist. No matter what conditions I have to pay, this junior will agree to it! !”