Chapter 994, Federation reorganization!

As Wang Baole cupped his fists, the little missy beside him heaved a sigh of relief. She was actually in a difficult position, but she believed that with Wang Baole’s methods, he should be able to handle such matters well. After all, from what she knew.., wang Baole was very good at dealing with people.

At the same time, she didn’t believe that Wang Baole didn’t understand that both parties were natural allies. This was because they shared a common enemy, and her existence was also one of the reasons.

Therefore, ever since she had appeared, she had been observing without interfering. Now that everyone was happy, a smile appeared on Little Missy’s face.

Seeing Little Missy’s smile, Wang Baole smiled as well. He didn’t immediately invite her back to the mask. Instead, after communicating with her, he temporarily left her here to reminisce about old times. He took his leave and left the ancient green-bronze sword.